Tutor Time

At Goole Academy we see the importance of tutor time and therefore have a specific tutor programme/timetable attached to it.

We have a weekly bulletin which shows any notices for students and key information and attendance is discussed. Recent attendance is recorded in planners, so each student knows what their attendance is from the previous week.

We deliver specific exercises for tutors to conduct with their groups on EPC- this is a weekly activity which links to the specific year groups EPC lesson for that week exploring a wide range of topics.

We also deliver a weekly assembly on topics relating to school life, community, environment, British values and celebrating a wide variety of achievements, such as our Pledges system, this is usually done per year group but has recently been completed virtually. 

Reading is completed once a week to promote independence in this area and we complete a literacy tasks looking at a β€œword of the week”. This can then be used successfully in lessons to achieve word of the week stickers.